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Happy Children:
A book on parenting

All parents hope their children will be happy, but what does it really mean and is it possible or even something to strive for? In this book a panel of 50 Scandinavian top experts answer the most common questions on parenting and child psychological well-being.The book contains topics such as  how we can deal with temper-tantrums and how to implement and keep rules without limiting our children. How to deal with sleep issues, anger, sadness and loss, but also how to keep our relationship to our partner healthy and harmonious and what do do when our little ones get ill.  

Young Children Know! On child development 0-5 years

The fact that children learn languages and other new skills much faster than adults do, might be something that we parents easily overlook. This book hope to  change that, as it will inspire you to realise how much and how early your child actually can learn skills such as maths, languages and more. A number of Swedish experts on child development and learning contribute to make this book a treasure chest for any parent and their curious and knowledgeable child!


Harmonious Young Children


Sound and harmonious adults are likely to create harmonious children.  In order to thrive, children need to feel loved, seen, and safe. Even when they are young, they need to have a basic sense of safety that they can carry with them throughout adolescence and into adulthood. What do we adults need to do, to give our children such sense of childhood security? And what do you do when you as a parent are torn between your own insecurity and all the demands of being a perfect "super parent"? This book can help you become more confident as a parent. We parents only want to do the right thing with respect to our children. And sometimes it goes well, but when fatigue and stress take over, all those good intentions may fly out the window, resulting in us becoming sad and angry with ourselves - and maybe also with our children. This book wants to give you both joy and security in your parenting role, and harmonious balanced adults are one of the most important prerequisites for children to feel safe and harmonious.



  • Holmberg, J. J., & Willard, A. (expect. 2023). Pathways of depression and anxiety pre and post the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study on European young adults 2019-2021 (In prep)

  • Holmberg, J. J., Kline, M. A., & Willard, A. K. (expect. 2023). The Impact of Migration-Related Risk and Resiliency:      Psychological well-being in first-, second-, and third-generation migrants. (under review)

  • Holmberg, J., Datta, S., Imada, T., & Willard, A. (expect. 2023). Exploring Resilience in Permanent and Temporary Migrants: The social and psychological impact or a transient upbringing on young adults (under review)

  • Holmberg, J.J., Augustine, L, Datta, S. and Imada, T. (2022). Resilience in ‘Third Culture’ Adolescents: Impact of a transient upbringing. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) Proceedings. (Accepted, In press)

  • Datta. S., Aondoaaka, A., Holmberg, J. J., Antonova, E. (2022). Recognition of Silently Spoken Words from EEG Signals Using Dense Attention Network (DAN). ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp.

  • Datta, S., Holmberg, J.J. and Antonova, E., 2021, December. Electrode Selection and Convolutional Attention Network for Recognition of Silently Spoken Words from EEG Signals. In 2021 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) (pp. 01-08). IEEE.


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